Pandamoon Submissions

Pandamoon will close to submissions on August 1st, 2024.

Please review our submission guidelines below.


If your manuscript meets our requirements, please email our acquisitions team with: 

  • Your query letter.
  • The first three chapters of your manuscript.


The Pandamoon submissions email is:

What We Publish


  • Mystery/Thriller/Suspense
    • Cozy
    • Crime
    • Medical or Biotech
    • Psychological Thriller
    • Small Town Mystery
    • Southern Grit Lit
  • Science Fiction/Fantasy
    • Dystopian
    • Fantasy
    • Horror
    • Post-apocalyptic
    • Science Fiction
    • Space Opera
    • Techno or Biotech
    • Urban or Paranormal
  • Women's Fiction
    • Upmarket
  • Nonfiction
    • Writing/Publishing-related

We encourage the submission of LGBT+ and #ownvoices manuscripts that fall within our preferred genres.

We are not interested in acquiring: poetry; political nonfiction; anything aimed at a target age market younger than adult; erotica; short story collections; works of hate, bigotry, racism, sexism, etc; or anything illegal or instructive of illegal activities.

Submission Guidelines


  • Manuscript must be your original work
  • Manuscript must be complete and polished
  • Manuscript must a .docx or .doc filetype
  • Manuscript must be double-spaced
  • Further suggested formatting: Scribophile Guidelines
  • Established authors may submit as long as no contract with another publisher exists for the submitted work

Multiple Submissions


We understand the need for multiple submissions to sell your work, however we need to know this up front. Please mention that your work is out for multiple submission in your query.

Also, please inform us immediately if your work is contracted elsewhere so that we may remove the manuscript from consideration.

Multiple submissions from a single author are also acceptable, though we ask that you query each manuscript separately.

Previously Self-Published Titles


As a general rule, we do not accept self-published titles. However, we have made exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

The primary condition upon which we would consider exceptions is if the book (and series, if applicable) was critically well received but did not achieve significant reach in the marketplace.

The only way for us to determine whether or not it is a mutual fit is to send it to us for evaluation during our open submission windows.

Submission & Review Process


Our acquisitions team reviews every manuscript which is submitted to us. If we do not believe your book is a fit for Pandamoon, we will send you an email letting you know.

Due to the volume of submissions, review may take several months. If your manuscript is approved, our publisher will contact you to begin discussions on acquiring your manuscript for publication.

If you would like to ensure that you have properly submitted your manuscript or if it has been at least 60 days since you have submitted and you would like to request a status update, you may send a follow-up email to, for receipt verification, status update, or to answer any questions that you may have.