Senior Staff

Christine Gabriel
Publisher/ Owner Partner
Christine is a ninja hobbit that lives on the edge of reality. Not only is she Superwoman, but she’s also an expert in Marketing Communications and Publicity. She is a TV Content Creator, Best Selling Author with multiple award nominations, and Super Mom to four amazing kids. Everything about Christine may seem tiny, from her size to the small farming village of Monroeville, Ohio where she grew up, but her heart is big and helping people accomplish their dreams is her ultimate goal. She currently serves as Pandamoon's Publisher/ Owner Partner and lives in Northern Ohio where she loves her Ohio State Buckeyes and Cleveland Sports Teams more than a fresh Krispy Kreme straight off the line.
"Steve Jobs once said, 'The only way to do great work, is to love what you do.' If you’re not excited to get up every single morning, to do something you love, then you’re not in the right field of work. Choosing Pandamoon Publishing was an easy choice. After seeing their marketing structure and how they continuously strive for excellence, I knew I had found the right job to call my home. Being able to help an author achieve success is one of the most fulfilling feelings, and luckily I get to do it here, amongst some of the most amazing, like-minded people who only want every success in the world for the people they love do great work for."
Elgon Williams
Administrator/ Owner Partner
Elgon is an original, the one and only person on the planet currently using the name. However, there is a namesake mountain in Africa and a company in Italy. He is a doorstep baby, according to his older sisters - a half breed alien. Unfortunately he has no special powers other than writing sci-fi and fantasy. He dabbles in other genres, from time to time. He is a graduate of Purdue University where he studied Mass Communication and The University of Texas at Austin where he studied Marketing. He also holds a degree in Chinese Mandarin, of all things, and lived for a couple of years during the glorious 80’s on the other side of the planet. Originally from Ohio, he currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and serves as Pandamoon's Administrator /Owner Partner.
"I love working with others and helping them realize their potential. I believe everyone can be successful in achieving their dreams but it takes a community of support to get there. Pandamoon Publishing provides that kind of community."
Tylee Ertel
Lead Editor - Editorial
Tylee Ertel, AKA: Abby Woodland, lives in Arizona with her daughter and large extended family. She is a musician, prepper, and complete book nerd. If she's not writing, she's editing, playing guitar, going on walks, serving the community, or advocating for mental health and those with special needs.
“Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide opened.” - Katherine Paterson

Advisory Board

Zara Kramer
Advisory Board Member - Publishing

Zara Kramer is the kind of person who can't sit still. She has spent her entire life being a trend-setter, and business is no exception to that. Working first in marketing for a Fortune 100 Defense Contractor, she made the jump to entrepreneurship where she would remain for the rest of her career. She founded a successful marketing and advertising agency, the first in the Southwest United States to serve only technology clients. Next up was a global management consultancy firm where Zara focused on improving operational efficiencies in multiple industries, including architecture and publishing. In order to fulfill her passion for being a disruptor and setting the example, rather than simply blending into the crowd, Zara entered the independent fiction publishing world and founded Pandamoon Publishing.

At Pandamoon, Zara has found her passion, her joy, and her bliss. She believes that today’s publishing company should be built upon the spirit of collaboration, cooperation, and compassion. She leads the company with the heart of a servant leader, expressing gratitude daily for the opportunity to make dreams come true for talented writers to become successful published authors and those desiring to work in the industry to do so with a company that provides the resources, support, and training they need to succeed in their careers.

"Of all the amazing professional opportunities I’ve had in my life, the one that I enjoy the most is Pandamoon. The work itself is fun and fulfilling, but it’s really the people I am fortunate to call my Pandas that make it so worthwhile. Simply put, I love my Pandas. I love Pandamoon. I love what I do. There’s nothing I've ever done where I’ve enjoyed my days this much, this consistently. Pandamoon has given me the opportunity to work with some of the greatest people I have ever met and the icing on the cake is that they have become family. Being a Panda is a way of life for me and for all of us at Pandamoon. I am truly blessed and thank everyone who works hard to allow us to do everyday something we all love so much.”
Allan Kramer
Advisory Board Member - Operations

Allan Kramer has enjoyed a long and storied career in the technology sector. Finding his love of aviation in the U. S. Air Force, Allan spent the next few decades for Fortune 100+ aviation, aeronautics, and defense contracting companies. Climbing the corporate ladder, Allan started as an engineer, journeying from there to head sales and marketing departments, and then moving to operations where he rose to the rank of CEO. Allan has successfully navigated and conquered every job bestowed upon him without fail. When you want a company to succeed, Allan is the person you call upon to do the job.

These days, Allan is an angel investor in Pandamoon. As his knowledge of the company and the atypical publishing industry grew, so did his interest in being a part of the publishing revolution that Pandamoon started. He has transitioned from being on Pandamoon’s Advisory Board to leading day-to-day operations for the company, where his valuable experience in lean manufacturing processes guides development of a strong infrastructure upon which the company is built and now thrives.

"When I realized the potential impact of Pandamoon on both a social and a financial level, it became clear that this company was worth investing in. I've always enjoyed rooting for disruptors who change an industry and flip it upside down. Pandamoon has allowed me the opportunity to lend my lifetime's expertise towards reinventing the way book publishing is handled."
Rachel Schoenbauer
Advisory Board Member - Editorial

Rachel is an avid reader, a sometimes writer and knitter, a cat owner who loves tabletop games, and a denizen of the internet since before usernames could be customized when signing onto dialup. She currently lives in Los Angeles and is in an ongoing war to keep her tea from taking over her cupboards.

She graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelor of the Arts in Theatre. After working for several years in the software industry, she transitioned into a life as a freelance editor. Her diverse background includes stage management for the performing arts, software test development and engineering, and marketing and operations in both theatre and small business.

She currently lives in Southern California and is the senior editorial advisor for Pandamoon Publishing.
"I believe very strongly that a publishing company is there to support the author, to grow their career, and contribute to the writing community."