Dave Housley
Dave Housley was born in the Summer of Love and was a one-year-old living with his parents in a rented summer house in Washington, DC during the riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King. From there, life generally got a lot more quiet, but he never lost his fascination with the turbulent decade of his birth. At Gettysburg College in the late Eighties he discovered (along with many other things, some of them legal) the Grateful Dead, and he’s been listening to them ever since. In THIS DARKNESS GOT TO GIVE, Dave’s love of the Dead intersects with his fascination for some of the more unusual elements of the Sixties in ways that even he didn’t see coming, but he’s relieved that all that time spent Googling “Project MK Ultra” and “CIA mind control LSD experiments” finally led to something.
THIS DARKNESS GOT TO GIVE is Dave’s first novel. He has spent most of his writing career penning literary short fiction. He is the author of four story collections of increasing weirdness, including Massive Cleansing Fire, Commercial Fiction, If I Knew the Way, I Would Take You Home, and his first collection, Ryan Seacrest is Famous, and the novella Howard and Charles at the Factory.
He is one of the Founding Editors of Barrelhouse, a literary magazine and small press that also organizes the Conversations and Connections Writer’s Conference and the writing retreat Writer Camp. Sometimes he drinks boxed wine and tweets about the things on his television at @housleydave. He is the Director of Web Strategy and Management for Penn State Outreach and Online Education in State College, PA.